To set up key-based SSH, you must generate the keys the two computers will use to establish and validate the identity of each other. To do this run, the following commands in Terminal: Check to see whether a .ssh folder exists in your home directory by running the command ls -ld ~/.ssh. If .ssh is listed in the output, move to step 2. If .ssh is not listed in the output, run mkdir ~/.ssh and continue to step 2. Run: cd ~/.ssh Run: ssh-keygen -b 1024 -t dsa -f id_dsa -P '' This command generates the public and private keys. The -b flag sets the length of the keys to 1,024-bits, -t indicates to use the DSA hashing algorithm, -f sets the file name as id_dsa, and -P '' sets the private key password to be null. The null private key password allows for automated SSH connections. Run: touch authorized_keys2 Run: cat >> authorized_keys2 Run: chmod 400 id_dsa The permissions on the private key must be set so that the file is not world readable. Run...